The coffee journey, looking at the supply chain

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data source ghg inventory Partnerschaftskaffee Heidelberg and MITKA

Stations of the coffee trip

The long travel of the coffee beans

coffee coop supply chain and related greenhouse gas emission

Starting in Nicaragua, the green beans grow in the tropical climate. Transported to Europe for roasting and refinement and packaging for distibution.

Greenhouse gas emission over the coffee supply chain

The ghg emission is shown in the bar chart for every step in the coffee supply chain. Starting with the cultivating of the coffee plants on the coffee farm, using plant protection products and fertilizer. Followed by processing of the coffee beans, use of electricity and packaging in sacks for transport. The sacks are transported to the harbour for shipping to Bremerhaven in germany. The sacks are stored in Bremen before they are transported to the coffee roaster. The roasting process is emitting the highest amount of ghg. The roasted beans are packed for selling and transported to the fair trade companies. The coffee packages are again stored followed by the distibution to local dealers.

more fair trade links

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